Thought to Ponder...

"Be curious always! For knowledge will not acquire you: you must acquire it." -Sudie Back

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Diploma Themes


**All literature must be considered in terms of how it affects the individual and how it affects the society.

2010- the way individuals pursue or compromise their happiness (30-2: the dangers we face may lie beyond our understanding)

2009- the interplay of fear and foresight on life-altering choices

2007- injustice; self-respect

the constraints of convention or circumstance

2004- determination

significance of memory

2003- responding to individual differences

response to the changeable nature of life (adaptability)

2002- challenge

effect of the pursuit of a passion

2001- circumstances that compel us to respond

2000- perseverance

significance of an individual’s perspective

1999- resourcefulness

1998- challenge


Identity, self-awareness, self-discovery, self-acceptance, power/effect of the imagination/memory, pursuit of a passion, individual differences

Isolation, alienation, influence of personal longing

Struggle, challenge, perseverance, survival, effects of limitations on life, effect of adversity on the human spirit, choices as a reflection of characters and events in life, resourcefulness, changeable nature of life (adaptability)

Tolerance, discrimination, prejudice

Control, freedom, turning points, escape, death, pursuit of dreams, goals, ideas a driving force in life, power of an idea

Communication, expression, denial, relationships, anger, circumstances that compel us to respond

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