Thought to Ponder...

"Be curious always! For knowledge will not acquire you: you must acquire it." -Sudie Back

Sunday, February 7, 2010

English 20-1-2 "Harrison Bergeron" Assignment

“Harrison Bergeron”- Kurt Vonnegut Jr. (American writer)

(page 175, Inside Stories II, 1st edition/ page 58, 2nd edition)

Vocabulary: (Provide a synonym or brief definition for the given words)

egalitarian, envious, calibrated, symmetry, ball-peen hammer, capered, gambolled, grackle, snaggle-tooth, and vigilance.

1. What point of view does the writer employ in this narrative?

2. State the story’s central conflict.

3. Do you think the story’s opening paragraph is effective? How does it set up the conflict?

4. What is ironic about George’s comments on competition, laws, and society?

5. Describe George and Hazel’s reactions at the end of the story. What do you think the author is trying to say through them?

6. Harrison Bergeron’s rebellion is a failure. Given the nature of society in the story, could someone like Harrison ever have succeeded in rebelling? Explain. What point does the ending make?

7. Identify three symbols from the narrative and explain what each represents.

8. State the theme of “Harrison Bergeron” in a well-worded sentence.

9. How would you “handicap” others to create an egalitarian society. Use humor in your response and be creative. Attach/Include an accompanying visual. (1/2-3/4 page) (10 marks)

10.Could we ever create an egalitarian society in which everyone was equal in every way? (1-2 pages; ensure 1 paragraph of the essay response refers directly to the studied literature) (25 marks)

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