Thought to Ponder...

"Be curious always! For knowledge will not acquire you: you must acquire it." -Sudie Back

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

English 20-1-2 Lyric Poetry Assignment


Pages 65-74, Poetry Alive: Perspectives

Poems whose primary purpose is to express powerful emotions are called lyric verse. It is the most popular form of poetry and it has the longest tradition. The lyric poem was originally a song accompanied by the lyre, hence its name. Some forms of the lyric include the haiku, elegy, ode and sonnet.

Class Discussion Questions:

1. What are some popular songs that express a powerful emotion?

2. Examine the lines provided from assorted writer’s works on page 64 of the anthology. What specific sentiment (feeling) does each of the lines express? Which lines do you think express the most powerful emotion?
“To His Coy Mistress” (Andrew Marvell) (page 66) Questions:

Issue for Discussion: One battle in which all of us are involved is the one against time- we cannot win it, but we can minimize the losses by living and enjoying every moment of our existence. Do you agree or disagree?

1. The poem is divided into three verses, each of which makes up a part of a persuasive argument. Summarize what is said in each of the verses. Do you think the argument is convincing? Explain.

2. The purpose and the effect of the images in the second verse (stanza) contrast strongly with those of the other two verses. Explain.

3. State the theme of this poem.

4. Provide examples of alliteration, consonance, and assonance from the poem.

Andrew Marvell was born in 1621 in Winestead, England. He travelled in highly influential circles; for the last nineteen years of his life, he served as an elected member of parliament.

“Gather Ye Rosebuds” (Robert Herrick) (page 68) Questions:

Issue for Discussion: What joys, if any, can old age bring?

1. What advice does the speaker offer?

2. Provide examples of metaphor, personification, and alliteration from the poem.

3. Herrick uses symbolism in this poem. Review the definition of symbolism in the Glossary of this anthology, and then, identify the symbols in this poem. In each case, decide what abstract idea or object is being represented by the particular symbol used.
4. State the rhyme scheme of the poem.
“Barter” (Sara Teasdale) (page 74)
Issues for Discussion: What would you be willing to sacrifice to find “true” love?
1. The title suggests that the poem will be about some form of exchange. Outline who and what are involved in the trade.
2. Provide examples of simile, personification and imagery from the poem.
“Nothing Gold Can Stay” (Robert Frost) (page 65)
Issues for Discussion: Can we appreciate the world’s beauty fully? Will the beauty end?
1. Put the ideas expressed in Frost’s poem into your own words.
2. The following is an early draft of Frost’s poem. Read it carefully, then compare it to the final version which appears in your text. Which form do you think is more effective? Why? What added meanings (if any) did the poem gain because of the changes made to arrive at the final version? Explain.
Nature’s first green is gold,

Her hardest hue to hold.

Her early leaves are flowers;

But only so for hours.

Then leaves subside to leaves.

In autumn she achieves

A still more golden blaze.

But nothing golden stays.

3. We use a great many expressions and phrases in everyday speech that make reference to gold in one form or another. List as many of these as you can. What particular associations do we usually have with things that are gold? Why?
4. Provide an example of allusion from this poem.
Assignments to Submit
 Create your own lyric poem that reflects your views about the passage of time, and provide a corresponding illustration that reflects the mood of your piece. You must also include (and label by line identification at the bottom of your poem) the following figures of speech: consonance, simile, metaphor, personification, and allusion. Please present your poem in draft form to two of your peers for editing and recommendations before completing your “good” copy. 15-30 lines is the recommended length for this assignment. (15 marks)
 The other assignment to submit will be your choice of one of the “issues for discussion.” (Length should be 1-2 pages; 3-4 paragraphs) (15 marks)

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